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Sunny Day!!!


Halooooo everyoneeeeee...... wat's up????

It's been a while, right? Lol. Forgive me if I kinda forgot you my lovey blogey (yaiks). Okey, you know, I've been a teribble situation lately. Like, my relationship between me and my family just got a little bit worse and I had bullied in my school. Okey, but whatever. It's already passed and I don't wanna to remember it anymore.

And, I don't realize it's already October, huh? Oh, seriously, IT'S REALLY FAST, DUDE! ><

Even this is October, the weather is still hot in here (Tangerang, Jakarta). I hate this, what I like from October-February is their rainy, cloudy weather! Why it's still hoootttt???? Like, seriously?

Don't forgot to apply more sunscreen to protect your beautiful skin! One of my problems : I always forgot it -_-

So, yeah ... just let it be :v

We live in Indonesia afterall, a country that always has sunshine shines every year (and time). I know we have to gratefull about this, but ... I prefer to live in 4 seasons country :v, like UK, Korea, or Japan....

Anyone else?

Hope you have a great sunny day!

Ringer tee : Tokopedia (just search 'ringer psycho tee')
Denim dungaree : @ingehutayashop
Scarf : @berbagi.pagi
Shoes : High black converse

Love you all,
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